Are you easily irritated, agitated and burnt out? Do you experience sleep disorder? Are you feeling a physical tension in your body? You may even have digestive disorders and headaches? Or do you regularly encounter relationship problems with your partner, family, friends & colleagues? 

If you can relate to the above mentioned symptoms, you should know that those are the signs of  STRESS. It is a problem that touches all social groups and all age categories in today’s world. No one can truly escape it. But good new is you can learn to manage it …

We all deserve to live a stress-free, harmonious life and this retreat will help you achieve it: break the stress-cycle, disconnect from your daily life and find calmness. 


During This Retreat You Will...

Slow Down!

Rushing around doesn’t help us do things better or accomplish anything extra. Instead, we expose ourselves to more tasks and ideas that we pay less attention to. It makes us stressed. What we and our culture of speed needs now IS a retreat. 

During this retreat program, you will get chance to stop rushing and slow down through digital detox, mindful nature walks and regular meditations. You will start to enjoy life more.  Things will become more interesting. You will worry less… You will care for others more… Basically you will be brought back to a more human state of mind. 

Open Awareness!

On this retreat you will be given the space and time to recognise the types of situations/people that cause your anxiety. You will pay attention to the symptoms of stress you are experiencing and take note of the things that affect you the most. Figure out the problem. See, Notice and Recognise it! When you identify it, it is much easier to deal with it later.


Our alternative healing practitioners will inform you about effective stress-management techniques. The retreat process will guide you through finding your own healthy de-stressor, whatever it may be. Learn how handle stressful situations during special focus Yoga classes, so that you return home fully revitalised and better prepared to cope with stressful situations in the future.

Release Tension!

Release all that tension from your body, mind and soul by exercising, by breathing and by nutrition! Remember, everything we eat is food for the soul. And for our soul, it should be clean and organic. Other self-care therapies will include mindfulness sessions, thai chi, chi-gong, yoga and guided meditations. The exploration of authentic nature and unique culture of our country is another therapeutic and healing acitivity you can enjoy on this retreat.


This Retreat Is For You If ...


By The End of This Retreat

Price Includes:

For Extra Charge:

All activities are optional leaving plenty of time for independent adventure or leisure

Group Size: min 5 participants are required for the retreat

Nearest Fixed Departure Dates: 14 AUG 2024

Standard Price: EUR 1090 per person in shared occupancy room /  EUR 1 240 per person in private room

    * Only couple travelers are eligible for shared occupancy rate